Results for 'Richard Oko Ajah'

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  1.  32
    Nationalism and African Communal Identity in Marguerite Abouet’s and Clement Oubrerie’s Aya de Yopougon.Richard Oko Ajah - 2017 - Human and Social Studies. Research and Practice 6 (3):85-99.
    Nationalism has become a contested construct because scholars doubt its ideological authenticity and global migratory consciousness, which promotes transcultural / transnational identity, and problematizes its raison d’être. Though Abouet and Oubrerie’s graphic novel could be read as a portrayal of the emerging urban center and its postmodern identities, this study rather investigates how Aya de Yopougon galvanizes juvenile nationalistic consciousness through age-long African communal identity. Using the postcolonial theory, the paper argues that the epistemology of nationalism, as a forerunner of (...)
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    “Lilies in the Mires”: Contesting Eurocentric Paradigms and Rhetoric of Civilization in Scolastique Mukasonga’s War Narratives.Richard Oko Ajah - 2015 - Human and Social Studies 4 (1):45-58.
    The Rwandan writer, Scholastique Mukasonga chronicles her eye-witness account of Rwandan civil war and genocide; her two novels are part of literary attempts to historicize ethnic collective trauma and memory, but they end up traumatizing national history itself and deconstructing Eurocentric representations. Her works are popularly read as autobiographies and could be mapped under trauma studies. However, this study intends to read these works as autoethnographical texts which this hyphenated writer uses to dismantle conventional boundaries of linguistic morpho-syntax of French, (...)
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    A response to Innocent Enweh on Interpretative Rehabilitation of Afrocommunalism.Anthony Chinaemerem Ajah & Martin Ferdinand Asiegbu - 2023 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 12 (3):29-40.
    In a 2020 article published in volume 9, number 1 of [Filosofia Theoretica]_, _Martin F. Asiegbu and Anthony Chinaemerem Ajah questioned the continued relevance of Afro-communalism. They argued that nothing about communalism makes it African. They also demonstrated how the brand of communalism presented as ‘African’, is too reductive, emphasizes conformism and therefore is against the individual and counter-productive for entire societies in Africa. For the above reasons, they summed that communalism with ‘Afro-’ is irrelevant and needs to end. (...)
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  4. Constructivism as the root of transcolonial approach to African affairs.Anthony Chinaemerem Ajah - 2024 - In Joseph A. Agbakoba & Marita Rainsborough, Beyond decolonial African philosophy: Africanity, Afrotopia, and transcolonial perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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    On Truthful Narrative-Identity and a Development Model for Nigeria.Anthony C. Ajah - 2014 - Open Journal of Philosophy 4 (4):531-540.
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  6. Violent Democracy and the Promise of Peace.Anthony Ajah & Udoudom Nfonbong - 2023 - In Uchenna B. Okeja, Routledge Handbook of African Political Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Interreligious dialogue as a myth.Josephine N. Akah & Anthony C. Ajah - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1).
    The authors aim in this article to show why it is extremely difficult to expect representatives of missionary religions to engage in productive interreligious dialogue. The article demonstrates how the imperative to convert, which is rooted in a sense of epistemic authority that one holds the best version of truth, precludes interreligious dialogue among religionists. The authors note, on the one hand, that the primary condition for any dialogue is that each of those involved come to the dialogue intellectually humble. (...)
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    Development and Modernity in Africa: An Intercultural Philosophical Perspective Development and Modernity in Africa: An Intercultural Philosophical Perspective, by Joseph C.A. Agbakoba, Köln, Germany: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 2019, 405 pp. [REVIEW]Anthony Chinaemerem Ajah - 2023 - Philosophical Papers 52 (1):83-87.
    Joseph Agbakoba’s Development and Modernity in Africa is at once courageous, deeply self-reflexive, epochal, and thoroughly awakening. It achieves a foundational representation and reconstruction o...
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    Assessing the CSR information needs of Microfinance institutions’ (MFIs) customers.Abednego Feehi Okoe & Henry Boateng - 2016 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 14 (3):272-287.
    Purpose This paper aims to seek to ascertain the corporate social responsibility information needs of customers of microfinance institutions. It also ascertains their media preferences for CSR disclosure. Design/methodology/approach The study adapted Wilson’s concept of information needs as the conceptual basis of this study. Case study research design was used. The respondents consisted of customers of MFIs in Ghana. Semi-structured interview was used to collect the data. Data were analysed using thematic analysis technique. Findings The study found that the CSR (...)
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  10. Dwa pesymizmy antropologiczne: Elzenberg i Bierdiajew.PAWEŁ OKOŁOWSKI - 2014 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 90.
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  11. Lukrecjusz i Lem: antyreligijność i ascetyczny hedonizm.PAWEŁ OKOŁOWSKI - 2007 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 62.
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  12. Państwo prawa w ujęciu Stanisława Lema.PAWEŁ OKOŁOWSKI - 2011 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 77.
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    Društveno-filozofski pogledi u Crnoj Gori od početka XIX do sredine XX vijeka: prilog izučavanju teorijske misli u Crnoj Gori.Đoko D. Pejović - 1980 - Titograd: Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti. Edited by Dimitrije-Dimo Vujović.
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    A critical analysis of the impact of religion on the Nigerian struggle for nationhood.Oguejiofo C. P. Ezeanya, Benjamin O. Ajah, Christopher N. Ibenwa, Chioma P. Onuorah & Ugomma A. Eze - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):9.
    Religion plays a vital role in the formation of conscience and therefore is very important in determining how people co-exist in a society. Nigerian citizens live in regions other than their ethnic geographical areas, but they are not recognised as people of the same destiny and subjects of equal rights. The long period of military dictatorship that truncated the country’s democracy since the civil war gave Nigerians a constitution which adopted the Sharia legal system within a purported secular state. This (...)
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  15.  25
    Recognition and justification: Towards a rationalisation approach to inculturation.Josephine N. Akah, Aloysius C. Obiwulu & Anthony C. Ajah - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (3).
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    (1 other version)Exploring the reasons for perennial attacks on churches in Nigeria through the victims’ perspective.Enweonwu O. Anthony, Cletus O. Obasi, Deborah O. Obi, Benjamin O. Ajah, Okpanoch S. Okpan, Chukwuemeka D. Onyejegbu, Aloysius C. Obiwulu & Emeka M. Onwuama - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):8.
    Although there are several provisions within the Nigerian legal framework that, however, address the issue of church attack, the state capacity to implement effective constitutional sanctioning on perpetrators of this heinous crime has always been found wanting or completely absent, leading to countless religious attacks on churches with seeming state consent. This study employs semi-structured interviews to draw data from affected families from Benue and Enugu States, Nigeria. The article explored their experiences. The study participants were recruited through snowball sampling (...)
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    Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love.Richard Shusterman - 2021 - New York/Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    The term ars erotica refers to the styles and techniques of lovemaking with the honorific title of art. But in what sense are these practices artistic and how do they contribute to the aesthetics and ethics of self-cultivation in the art of living? In this book, Richard Shusterman offers a critical, comparative analysis of the erotic theories proposed by the most influential premodern cultural traditions that shaped our contemporary world. Beginning with ancient Greece, whose god of desiring love gave (...)
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  18.  17
    Burdens of Proof in Modern Discourse.Richard H. Gaskins - 1992 - Yale University Press.
    Public and professional debates have come to rely heavily on a special type of reasoning: the argument-from-ignorance, in which conclusions depend on the _lack_ of compelling information. "I win my argument," says the skillful advocate, "unless you can prove that I am wrong." This extraordinary gambit has been largely ignored in modern rhetorical and philosophical studies. Yet its broad force can be demonstrated by analogy with the modern legal system, where courts have long manipulated burdens of proof with skill and (...)
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  19.  63
    Experience and the World’s Own Language: A Critique of John Mcdowell’s Empiricism.Richard Gaskin - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    John McDowell's "minimal empiricism" is one of the most influential and widely discussed doctrines in contemporary philosophy. Richard Gaskin subjects it to careful examination and criticism, arguing that it has unacceptable consequences, and in particular that it mistakenly rules out something we all know to be the case: that infants and non-human animals experience a world. Gaskin traces the errors in McDowell's empiricism to their source, and presents his own, still more minimal, version of empiricism, suggesting that a correct (...)
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  20. The Heidegger Controversy: A Critical Reader.Richard Wolin & Tom Rockmore - 1992 - Ethics 103 (1):178-181.
    This anthology is a significant contribution to the debate over the relevance of Martin Heidegger's Nazi ties to the interpretation and evaluation of his philosophical work. Included are a selection of basic documents by Heidegger, essays and letters by Heidegger's colleagues that offer contemporary context and testimony, and interpretive evaluations by Heidegger's heirs and critics in France and Germany.In his new introduction, "Note on a Missing Text," Richard Wolin uses the absence from this edition of an interview with Jacques (...)
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  21.  9
    The Life of Isaac Newton.Richard S. Westfall - 1993 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    Isaac Newton was indisputably one of the greatest scientists in history. His achievements in mathematics and physics marked the culmination of the movement that brought modern science into being. Richard Westfall's biography captures in engaging detail both his private life and scientific career, presenting a complex picture of Newton the man, and as scientist, philosopher, theologian, alchemist, public figure, President of the Royal Society, and Warden of the Royal Mint. An abridged version of his magisterial study Never at Rest, (...)
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  22.  18
    The romantic economist: imagination in economics.Richard Bronk - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Since economies are dynamic processes driven by creativity, social norms, and emotions as well as rational calculation, why do economists largely study them using static equilibrium models and narrow rationalistic assumptions? Economic activity is as much a function of imagination and social sentiments as of the rational optimisation of given preferences and goods. Richard Bronk argues that economists can best model and explain these creative and social aspects of markets by using new structuring assumptions and metaphors derived from the (...)
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  23.  61
    Nietzsche: Life as Literature.Richard Schacht - 1988 - Philosophical Review 97 (2):266.
  24. Oko mysli: Agnes Arberová k otázce biologického hlediska.Matěj Pudil - 2018 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 40 (1):107-126.
    Práce se zabývá filosofickou analýzou vědeckého výzkumu, kterou v polovině minulého století provedla botanička Agnes Arberová. Její koncepce je cenným příspěvkem k otázce kontextu vzniku vědeckého objevu a procesu jeho zdůvodnění v biologických disciplínách. Ve stati se pokusím doložit, že její úvahy mají ráz v zásadě fenomenologický, a proto bude její koncepce interpretována na pozadí úvah Maurice Merleau-Pontyho o tělesné povaze smyslů. Taková interpretace napovídá, že Arberová ve shodě s Merleau-Pontym uvažuje o fenoménech nikoli jako o objektech, které lze zkoumat (...)
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    Über öko-politische Implikationen einer Sozialphilosophie der Arbeit.Franck Fischbach - 2024 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 72 (1):119-124.
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    Oko i maska u Kubricka.Piotr Graczyk - 2004 - Nowa Krytyka 17.
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  27. Öko-Portfolio: Methode zur Beurteilung der Recyclingeignung.Marko Hartel & Dieter Spath - 1994 - In Stephen Everson, Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press.
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  28. (1 other version)Luck and Equality II.Richard Arneson - 2001 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 75 (1):73-90.
    Does it make sense to hold that, if it is bad that some people are worse off than others, it is worse if those who are worse off come to be so through sheer bad luck that it is beyond their power to control? In her contribution to this symposium, Susan Hurley cautions against a closely related fallacy: from the fact that people have come to an unequal condition through unchosen bad luck, it does not follow that, if we aim (...)
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    Monističko-pluralistički spor oko vrsnosti živog svijeta.Tonći Kokić - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (2):365-380.
    Brojne definicije vrste živog svijeta tvore suprotstavljene filozofske stavove oko pitanja postoji li samo jedna kategorija vrste ili više njih . Monisti vjeruju u načelnu mogućnost jedne kategorije vrste koja zrcali zbiljnost istovrsnog živog svijeta. Suprotno tome, pluralisti vjeruju da postoje različite kategorije vrste jer je ljudska spoznaja ograničena ili jer je vrstu moguće definirati na mnogo različitih načina. Proučavanje primjera poznatijih monističkih i pluralističkih definicija vrste upućuje na značajno udaljavanje u određivanju kategorije vrste i u prepoznavanju taksonomijskih vrsta. Divergentnost (...)
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    Sve se vrti oko vrta. Koplje od oruđa do oružja, grad od vrta do utvrde.Rajka Polić - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (1):177-192.
    Doprinos žena u razvoju kulture direktno je povezan sa samim pojmom colere, koji se izvodi iz aktivnosti oko uzgoja biljaka i obrađivanja zemlje, u čemu su osnovnu ulogu u početku imale žene. Kao skupljačice žene su kopale i otkopavale biljke kopljem i naučile kako ih same mogu saditi. Time je započela kultura vrtova koja je u svijest ljudi trajno usadila pojam raja, mjesta na zemlji gdje je čovjek sretan, ali i dovela do spoznaje o načinu začeća djeteta. Od kulture vrta (...)
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  31. Change in View: Principles of Reasoning (Book Review).Richard Feldman - 1989 - Philosophical Review 98 (4):552-556.
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  32. Conditionals of freedom and middle knowledge.Richard Gaskin - 1994 - Philosophical Quarterly 44 (173):412-430.
  33.  27
    Theory and evidence in comparative politics and international relations.Richard Ned Lebow & Mark Irving Lichbach (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book explores the epistemology and the methodology of political knowledge and social inquiry. What can we know, and how do we know? Friedrich V. Kratochwil and Ted Hopf question all foundational claims of inquiry and envisage science as a self-reflective practice. Brian Pollins and Fred Chernoff accept their arguments to some degree and explore the implications for logical positivism. David A. Waldner, Jack Levy, and Andrew Lawrence address the purpose and methods of research. They debate the role of explanation (...)
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  34.  15
    Drama and Intelligence: A Cognitive Theory.Richard Courtney - 1990 - McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP.
    One of the greatest dramatists of all time, Shakespeare, recognized that dramatic action was not limited to the stage. Now, in Drama and Intelligence, a work firmly rooted in developmental drama, Richard Courtney is the first to examine dramatic action as an intellectual and cognitive activity. Courtney explores the nature of those experiences we live "through" and which involve us in what is termed "as if" thinking and action.
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    Steven Epstein,Inclusion: The politics of difference in medical research.Richard E. Ashcroft - 2008 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 1 (2):174-178.
    Steven Epstein, Inclusion: The politics of difference in medical research, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007, reviewed by Richard E. Ashcroft.
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  36.  10
    Religion and Art.Richard Wagner - 1994 - U of Nebraska Press.
    "One might say that where Religion becomes artificial, it is reserved for Art to save the spirit of religion." With these words Richard Wagner began "Religion and Art" (1880), one of his most passionate essays. That passion made Wagner himself a central icon in the growing cult of art. Wagner felt that he lived in an age of spiritual crisis. "It can but rouse our apprehension, to see the progress of the art-of-war departing from the springs of moral force, (...)
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    Marshall McLuhan revisited.Richard Abel - 2001 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 12 (1):12-19.
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    Le meme et l'autreModern French Philosophy.Richard A. Cohen, Vincent Descombes, L. Scott-Fox & J. M. Harding - 1981 - Substance 10 (3):79.
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  39. Call for Papers.Richard Double - 1994 - Philosophical Studies 75 (1/2):173.
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    Achaemenid History III: Method and Theory.Richard N. Frye, Amélie Kuhrt, Heleen Sancisi-Weerdenburg & Amelie Kuhrt - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (4):773.
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    Die elamischen Felsreliefs von Kurangun und Naqš-e RustamDie elamischen Felsreliefs von Kurangun und Naqs-e Rustam.Richard N. Frye & Ursula Seidl - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (4):773.
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  42. 'An instinct for truth': Darwin on Galapagos.Richard Lansdown - 2000 - Critical Review (University of Melbourne) 40:109-122.
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    False friends? Testing commercial lawyers on the claim that zealous advocacy is founded in benevolence towards clients rather than lawyers’ personal interest.Richard Moorhead & Rachel Cahill-O’Callaghan - 2016 - Legal Ethics 19 (1):30-49.
    ABSTRACTCommercial lawyers often signal that ‘client first’ is an essential element of their professional DNA, and some scholarly proponents have laid claim to a moral justification for zeal. That moral justification is found, in particular, in the notion of lawyers as friends. One critique of zeal is that this moral claim is bogus: that ‘client first’ is a convenient trope for disguised self-interest. This paper explores the empirical validity of this ‘client first’ ideal through a value-based analysis of zeal in (...)
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    Vor der Interpretation: Sprache und Erfahrung in Hermeneutik, Dekonstruktion und Pragmatismus.Richard Shusterman - 1996
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    Vaudeville and Narrative: Aspects of Chin Theater.Richard E. Strassberg & Stephen H. West - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):427.
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    Averroes' Epistemology and its Critique by Aquinas.Richard C. Taylor - unknown
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    Fatalizmus.Richard Taylor - 2018 - Ostium 14 (4).
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    Intelligibles in Act in Averroes.Richard C. Taylor - 2007 - In J. Brenet, Averroes Et les Averroïsmes Juif Et Latin: Actes du Colloque International. Brepols Publishers.
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    Introductory Readings in Metaphysics.Richard Taylor - 1978 - Prentice-Hall.
  50. Joseph Fletcher's Situation Ethics, Once Again.Richard Taylor - 1995 - Free Inquiry 15.
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